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In Minds of the Future 2022, 11 young brilliant minds and the Nobel Prize laureate David MacMillan explore the future solutions to challenges important to the youth today. Use the appendix to inspire to interesting discussions after watching.



Materialet hittar du  längre ner på den här sidan.

Materialet består av:

  • 7 filmer, en film med hela samtalet och uppdelat i 6 delar. Ni kan välja att titta på hela eller en eller flera delar.
  • Appendix med diskussionsfrågor till alla 6 delar samt förslag på upplägg.


Titta på hela eller en eller flera delar av Minds of the Future.

Diskutera frågorna i appendixet enligt instruktion.



Minds of the Future 2022: part 1

In this part the brilliant young minds and the Nobel prize laureate discuss how we can empower, inspire and educate children and youth to solve the future global challenges. How can we create the prerequisites for a green economy and shift to a sustainable future?







Minds of the Future 2022: part 3

Who is responsible for implementing solutions to prevent climate changes? You as an individual, policymakers, or companies? Watch part three where young brilliant minds and Nobel Prize laureate David MacMillan discussing these questions. Do you agree? Use the appendix to discuss it further after watching







Minds of the Future 2022: part 5

Young brilliant minds and Nobel Prize laureate David MacMillan discuss solutions to ensure the food and water supplies in the future. What are the challenges? And can we solve the food demand in future? How?






Minds of the Future 2022

In Minds of the Future 2022 young brilliant minds explores future solutions to global challenges important for the youth today. It is a discussion between 11 participants and the Nobel Prize laureate David MacMillan.

The round table talk consists of 6 parts with different themes. We recommend to watch at least one part at the time. Here you can watch the whole Minds of the Future with all 6 parts. Enjoy an interesting conversation and use the appendix for further discussion after each part, or the whole Minds of the Future.





Minds of the Future 2022: part 2

Young brilliant minds and Nobel Prize laureate David MacMillan discuss the importance of information, the accessibility to internet and technology - what is happening with the technology in the future? What are the future challenges and are there any solutions? 








Minds of the Future 2022: part 4

What is happening to the biodiversity and what are the solutions? Why is it important with biodiversity? Watch part 4 where young brilliant minds and professor sir David MacMillan discuss this challenge and why it is important to protect the biodiversity?








Minds of the Future 2022: part 6

Can wood and timber save the world from carbon emissions? Watch the last part of Minds of the Future and find out how the young brilliant minds and Professor Sir David MacMillan discuss the matter!







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